Esk’etemc Recovery House: 50 years, For the Children
Please watch the two separate interviews for their different perspectives. Elder Fred Johnson is the traditional worker at the Letwilc Recovery Center and Laurie Brown is the manager.
Our lives, our culture and our continued existence as a people are completely tied to the land occupied by our ancestors since time immemorial. Our land is a sacred trust. It is the living body of our spirituality. Our knowledge and our customs are understood and practiced through this relationship that protects and ensures our survival. It is our mother nourishing us in all ways: physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
We provide cultural components, safe housing and programs to strengthen wellness, recovery and reintegration into the community.
Vision: Alkali Lake is known for addressing substance use disorder in the community using traditional cultural values, and sharing their success worldwide.
Mission: Letwilc Ren Semec Centre guides and assists clients on the path toward recovery while reintegrating a healthy lifestyle in a culturally safe recovery service.