Healing trauma is somatic in the body

When something changes suddenly, it dysregulates our whole system. A stable, predictable, familiar and calm environment helps us feel safe and to heal. As much as possible, insulate yourself from difficult situations and people in the days immediately following a shock.

Everyone has their own way of going into fight, flight or freeze. We have long established relationships in families that can make things more difficult. Ideally support flows from people less affected to those in the center of the trauma.

Seek support from the outside, for example a massage, go to a yoga class, or asking someone to come over and go for a walk. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. 

Everyone's lives are affected. We need more sleep and time to heal. Clear as much space in your schedule as possible. It will really help.

It is legitimate to ask for what you need. Be specific about what will help. Put your self-care as a high priority and give yourself the time, space and resources to heal. What you need will change moment to moment, so allow for that. 

We need to move our bodies to let the energy move through. Consider dance, yoga, relaxations, breathing, reiki, massage, swimming and walking. Support your body through nourishing food, plenty of water and breathing fresh air in a peaceful setting.

See Section 2 for guided practices.

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