Bilingual interpreter: Breath as a cue and to soothe anxiety

Please check out my course on breathing

Paying attention to the breath is like an early warning system to signal something is concerning us

By noticing before anxiety builds up, we can take steps to calm ourselves

Relaxing our body helps us to tune in to what is happening in our body

Our most calming breathing pattern is: smooth with no pauses or jerkiness in our breath; even length of exhalation and inhalation; smooth and continuous with no holding our breath; and through the nostrils. See the video for a 3D animation of diaphragmatic breathing.

We need six seconds of breathing out to activate the relaxation response in our body. We can exhale longer, sing, chant or play a wind instrument. We could speak in longer sentences. Trauma expert Dr Peter Levine recommends exhaling using the syllable Voooo.

We can use box breathing practice as an emergency reset.

Alternate nostril breathing is an odd but powerhouse practice to stabilize and ground yourself

Breathing is a powerful tool to heal your nervous system and calm yourself

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