Deep Acceptance

Acceptance is a deep experience and at times can feel out of reach.

We get to know ourselves - nurturing, kindness, compassion, acceptance, authenticity with ourselves and others.

What is in the way of deep acceptance?

It is normal to feel despair and that life isn't fair. We got a raw deal in life.

Applying the idea of justice and feeling cheated is common. We compare ourselves.

Why are my siblings doing better than I am?

There are many factors that influence trauma. We each had a different experience.

This is a question that's not applicable to life and not helpful. We can experience the feelings of being cheated and having to deal with the effects. It's hard. Asking why me isn't helpful.

It might help to let go of the grip of the past by accepting it did happen and we did respond that way

Kindness Compassion Truth Authenticity

Things that were overwhelming at the time they happened are stored in our body

As we heal and become stronger, we are able to welcome everything to be seen.

Give yourself the time on a regular basis to breathe and relax. Insight Timer and YouTube are good resources.

Reduce inputs for awhile: go into nature, spend time in silence

Work with reducing catastrophic compulsive thoughts. There are effective tools to do heal these patterns.

It is wonderful when we can be present with our full human experience.

We no longer shame, ridicule or denigrate ourselves. We become a friend to ourselves.

We know the stillness and silence in our mind, our Being. We become more alive.

Human beings are a system. We can learn about optimal development, let go of fear, anxiety and really enjoy our lives.

Thank you to Lane Ledoux, Winter Social Media for the wonderful images and slides in this course.

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