Anxious Intrusive Thoughts

I wrote a book called Friends With Your Mind, How To Stop Torturing Yourself With Your Thoughts available on Amazon.

Catastrophic thinking is when helpful planning becomes compulsive and counterproductive.

Our primitive brain doesn't have the skill to negotiate the modern day world, the speed and images that flood our brain. Most of us have an image installed in our brain of the attacks on 911

Our brain developed to react to first hand threat and doesn't know how to handle this type of threat. We don't have a way to protect ourselves and we feel powerless and alarmed. We react as though the images on the news are an immediate danger.

We hold our breath and go into a compulsive, ruminating thought stream. We lose access to our higher level of wisdom and intuition.

Our body has intelligence. We feel uneasy. We have a gut sense.

Overwhelming experiences are stored in our body Velcroed to thoughts - images, words, sounds, aromas, memories.

We bring the habits and compulsions of the mind into our daily life. Ruminating is when we try to re-write an experience so we can feel a sense of agency.

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